2023 Tanja Liedtke Studio Residencies
Australian Dance Theatre is thrilled to partner with the Tanja Liedtke Foundation to offer creative practice residencies at The Odeon.
In 2023, they are offering four Tanja Liedtke Studio Residences with those successful artists receiving a stipend of $2,500 and free studio space for two weeks.
The residencies are designed to provide space and dedicated time in the Tanja Liedtke Studio at ADT’s home in Norwood, Adelaide, for the development of creative ideas along with further exploration of choreographic and artistic practice.
The residency periods offered in 2023 are: 13-24 February; 1-12 May; 28 August – 8 September; and 27 November – 8 December.
To apply for this opportunity please submit a cover letter (no more than two pages), including a statement of up to 100 words outlining your artistic focus and any outcomes you hope to achieve. How will this opportunity enhance your artistic practice? Is there a seed of an idea you wish to explore? If so, how will you realise this within the framework of the residency? How would working within ADT assist you in your practice and future aspirations?
Additionally, please submit a current CV, with links to examples of previous work.
Please be sure to preference dates in your application. You may list first, second, third and fourth preferences and they’ll do their best to accommodate. The residencies will be offered independently, and artists may apply for one residency only.
ADT understands creative developments can be subject to grant application submissions and other factors, so please outline if you are applying for additional grant support for your residency.
Applicants from First Nations, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds and/or underrepresented communities are encouraged to apply.
Submit applications via email to: residencies@adt.org.au
Applications close: 5 pm ACDT, Wednesday 1 February 2023
All applicants notified: COB Friday 3 February 2023
For any further queries please contact residencies@adt.org.au.