‘Where Have All The Flowers Gone?’ in VIC
Eden Dance Company, a professional platform for dancers under the umbrella of the urban arts nonprofit 3dArts in Melbourne, will present the return season of its Where Have All The Flowers Gone? on 1 – 4 March at Cranbourne Community Theatre.
Choreographed by Colette MacLaren and Hayley Thompson, this contemporary dance work is described as an “intimate and honest conversation through dance bringing dignity to the stories of those who have journeyed through post-natal depression and those heroes who walk alongside sufferers of depression.” It embraces the “truth behind the struggle” and celebrates the “beauty of bringing the colour back.”
Where Have All The Flowers Gone? was presented at Theatre Works St Kilda in 2016. An attendee called it “such a beautiful show,” going on to say, “I really wish this could be performed to a wider audience. It provides an insight into a disease that so many people still don’t understand and could be so beneficial to reducing the stigma around all mental health issues.”
Eden Dance shares that, according to research, one in six people will experience depression at some stage of their lives. Also, that one in 10 expecting mothers experience antenatal depression. Dubbed by some as the thief in the night, depression can feel like you are drowning. For those supporting people with depression, it can be a long and winding road.
In addition to raising awareness, Where Have All The Flowers Gone? will benefit PANDA (Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia) through ticket sales. Tickets are available at www.trybooking.com.au/252045 or by calling 0404 844 179.
For more information on Eden Dance Company, visit www.3darts.com.au/edendance.
Photos by NEO Focus and John Englezos.