Underbelly Arts appoints new director

Director of Underbelly ArtsOn September 30, Underbelly Arts in Sydney announced the appointment of Roslyn Helper as its new director. David Robb, the chair of Underbelly Arts, said Helper has been appointed due to her strong understanding of the artist process, her experience in running arts organisations and her knowledge of the emerging and experimental art scene in Australia. Helper was a participating artist in the 2013 and 2015 Underbelly Arts Festivals.


Robb said, “Underbelly Arts supports and promotes emerging and experimental artists. We introduce these artists and their work to new audiences, in their development through our Lab and in their presentation at the biennial Festival. In appointing Roslyn, our director understands the needs and wishes of artists and audiences and as an Underbelly Arts Festival artist we are maintaining our ambition to support new talent.”


Helper stated, “Underbelly Arts is a unique organisation with a strong mission. I am thrilled to be on board and excited to build on Underbelly’s vision and capacity for supporting and presenting ambitious ideas and large scale work from an emerging generation of artists.”


In a change to its previous arrangements, the roles of executive director and artistic director have been combined into the director role. As Underbelly Arts progresses towards the 2017 Festival, further appointments to the company will be made.


Helper replaces Executive Director Jain Moralee and Artistic Director Eliza Sarlos, who worked together on the 2013 and 2015 Labs and Festivals. Since its inception in 2007, Underbelly Arts Lab and Festival has evolved to support over 800 artists to audiences of 14,000+. This success speaks to the high quality and scope of work developed during the Lab and a focus on bringing artists and audiences together throughout the Festival.


Robb said, “Underbelly Arts’ Lab and Festival help develop, secure and often launch artists’ careers. For us, success is measured by what our artists do both during and after showing their work at Underbelly. We have a strong alumni of successful artists. Jain and Eliza have helped create this legacy.”


He added, “We look forward to Roslyn progressing our work in 2016 and bringing it all together at our 2017 Lab and Festival.”


For more information, visit http://underbellyarts.com.au.


Photo: Roslyn Helper. Photo by Lucien Alperstein.