‘Off the Record’ coming to Carriageworks

Force Majeure and CarriageworksThis August, Force Majeure and Carriageworks, in partnership with Dance Integrated Australia, will produce Off The Record, a new work directed by Danielle Micich and Philip Channells.


The work asks the question, “How much of yourself do you reveal to the outside world?” It’s described as an “exploration of the rituals that govern the way we live; weighing up the consequences of playing it safe versus breaking the rules.”


Featuring lighting and set design by Benjamin Cisterne and sound by Kingsley Reeve, the show also relies on Dramaturg Zoe Coombs Marr for text. The diverse cast includes Jana Castillo, Alex Jones, Gerard O’Dwyer, Marnie Palomares and Neil Phipps.


Taking place at Carriageworks in Eveleigh, NSW, performances are scheduled for August 17-20. Tickets are $35 each. Visit carriageworks.com.au to book your seats or to learn more about a related masterclass.


Photo by Gregory Lorenzutti.