Get to know Xavier Pellin in Chatswood
Following on from its Generation Next event held in July, The Friends of The Australian Ballet in NSW will now welcome back Lisa Pavane, director of The Australian Ballet School, as its guest speaker on Wednesday, October 5. Pavane will introduce its members to the current Australian Ballet School Captain, Xavier Pellin. A dancer to watch, Pellin will be preparing for his professional debut in The Australian Ballet’s Regional Tour of Giselle as a member of The Dancer’s Company.
As part of this event, Friends members and their guests are invited to attend an exclusive post-performance talk onstage with Pavane, Pellin and Greg Khoury, the chairman of The Friends and the general manager of The Concourse in Chatswood, where the event will be held.
The trio will discuss the transition from student life to that of a professional dancer in a travelling company, and the highs and lows of theatre life for a new dancer.
Guests will also have the opportunity to meet and greet the speakers over refreshments prior to the commencement of the talk.
The cost of a ticket to see Giselle and to attend this special event is $106.70 total for members. For a pensioner it’s $96.50 while it’s $59.80 for student/youth. To just attend the special event, it’s $20. Proceeds support The Australian Ballet School.
Since tickets are strictly limited, those interested should book now at