Co:3 Australia Announces new programming cycle and digital initiatives in 2020
Perth based Co:3 (Koh three) is an ambitious Australian arts company taking the next stage in its development as a legacy organisation. In 2020 Co:3 Australia enters a new two-year cycle of programming and introduces a range of digital initiatives. The first year of the new programming cycle is devoted to partnership presentations, and the second is focused on staging new works by Co:3’s Artistic Director, Raewyn Hill.
“The aim is for our work to be loved locally and celebrated internationally. We are committed to creating a sustainable, permanent, extraordinary dance company based here on Whadjuk country. Dedicated to nurturing Australia’s finest contemporary dance practitioners we have an ambitious, entrepreneurial artistic vision for the Company’s sustainable future, that holds creativity and the dancers’ wellbeing as our highest priority,” Raewyn said.
The model is underpinned by three key principles: creating employment opportunities for WA artists; developing and presenting extraordinary works of art in WA; and building sustained stakeholder engagement.
2020 is the first partnership year and sees Co:3 perform in Circa’s Leviathan (Perth Festival) the West Australian Ballet’s Reincarnation, Australian Dance Theatre’s Objekt, and WA Opera’s Nightingale.
Executive Director Alana Culverhouse said, “Co:3 Australia is a young company, established in one of the toughest economic times for the arts in recent history. Therefore, it has had to implement new ways of operating, and generating revenue, to ensure its longevity.”
The first of the digital initiatives Co:3 has embraced in 2020 is to create a revenue stream that is not related to government funding or corporate sponsorship. Co:3 dancers feature in dance-fitness videos on KIXXFIT, the just-released App that is a disrupter in the fitness industry.
“Partnering with KIXXFIT helps us develop a dynamic culture that drives a resilient, forward-thinking company that sees us integrating technology to attract and grow our audience. In a rapidly changing consumer market, we need to remain relevant to our audiences of the future. Placing the company in the paradigm of fitness, in addition to arts and culture, makes perfect sense in these fitness and wellness-focused times,” Alana said.
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Image courtesy of Co:3