Capezio Undergoes Extensive Pointe Training

Capezio pointe trainingLast week the Capezio staff from both the Elsternwick and Mornington, VIC, stores underwent extensive pointe shoe training with podiatrist, Marie Butler, who has been a consultant to the Australian Ballet and the 2006 Commonwealth Games.

At Capezio, they are always updating their skills and expertise to make sure they have the very best knowledge when it comes to dance footwear and fitting pointe shoes.

Capezio can help you find the perfect pointe shoe for you and give you the advice you need to succeed. The beautiful new Elsternwick store even has a dedicated pointe shoe fitting room – the only one of its kind in Australia!


To learn more about finding the right pointe shoe for you and pointe shoe care, check out these helpful articles from Capezio USA:


To have a free pointe shoe consultation with a trained Capezio staff member, just visit one of the stores. For locations visit