Ausdance ACT offers new mentoring program
Introducing ESCALATE – a new mentoring program being offered by Ausdance ACT for young local dance artists! Dancers aged 15-25 years who are based in ACT are being encouraged to apply. Movers and shakers from all dance genres are welcome.
According to Ausdance, ESCALATE provides the opportunity to work alongside internationally recognised professionals. If chosen, the young dancers will be supported and guided through a creation process that will result in a performance season premiering an 8-minute original work they created.
In total, four lucky applicants will be accepted. Local, interstate and international professional dance artists will mentor them both in-person and online. The local mentors include Paul Knobloch, Liz Lea and Caroline “Leena” Wall. Interstate and international mentors include Marc Brew, Victoria Chiu, Matt Cornell, Tammi Gissell, Catherine Goss, Feargus O Conchuir, Seeta Patel and Jack Webb.
The four ESCALATE artists will enjoy eight mentoring sessions over four months, with one major highlight being a free weeklong mentoring program on January 16-21, 2017. All their work will culminate with a three-day performance season on April 13-15, 2017.
To find out more or to apply, visit The application deadline is Friday, October 28. A selection panel of industry leaders will access applications before notifying the successful contenders on Friday, November 4.
Photo courtesy of Ausdance ACT.