Audition to be an extra in ABT’s ‘Swan Lake’
New York-based American Ballet Theatre (ABT) is looking for extras for its August/September season of Swan Lake at QPAC in Brisbane. Extras don’t need to have any dance experience, but poise and ability to take direction is an asset and there are specific requirements and categories.
The company is predominantly looking for young men (aged 17-20) and young women (aged 17-20) of slender build. ABT is also seeking older men and women (aged 25 years and up) of slender build to act as elegant couples.
Applicants must be available for the exclusive Brisbane season’s nine performances of Kevin McKenzie’s Swan Lake, taking place between Thursday, August 28 and Thursday, September 4. There will be six evening performances and three matinee performances.
If you’re interested in auditioning, contact Auditions will be held at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, August 26 in Studio 2 at QPAC.
Rehearsals will be Tuesday, August 26 (immediately following the audition) until 9 p.m. and on Wednesday and Thursday, August 27 and 28.
For more information on American Ballet Theatre’s exclusive Brisbane season, see Dance Informa’s recent article.
Photo: Scene from Swan Lake. Photo by Rosalie O’Connor.