Wilds Hearts to present ‘Vaihtovirta’
Wild Hearts Youth Dance Company will soon present its debut work, created during its first dance program, Project One – 360° Dance Work, as directed by Angela Hamilton. Comprising 15 talented female dancers between the ages of 12 and 17, selected from across Sydney, Wild Hearts will catapult these young dancers out of their comfort zone and into the world of professional contemporary performance.
Vaihtovirta, meaning “alternate current” in Finnish, is a coming-of-age journey exploring cross-cultural rites of passage and ceremonies influenced by Nordic music, folklore and mysticism.
Visually inspired by the phenomenon of the Northern Lights contrasting against the icy crystal blues and darkness of winter, Vaihtovirta is a metaphor for the treacherous, yet beautiful, experience it is for a girl to claim her power in womanhood.
Performances will be the evenings of July 6 and 7 at Dancing Under the Influence (DUTI) in Sydney. Book tickets at www.trybooking.com.
Visit www.twisted-element.com/wild-hearts for more information on Wild Hearts.
Photo courtesy of Angela Hamilton.