Want full time Russian ballet training in AUS?

Australian full-time dance in Russian SystemFor Australian students who desire the opportunity to be trained in the true Russian System, which has trained a multitude of the world’s greatest dancers, without having to leave their home country, there is the Russian Choreographic Academy!


Based in Hawthorn East, VIC, the Russian Choreographic Academy (RCA) brings high-quality international teachers to Australia from Russia and Europe. It’s Vaganova teachers have graduated from the famous Vaganova Academy in St. Petersburg. 


RCA offers a full time course for students who have finished academic studies or are studying with distance education. For students who are still doing academic studies, there is RCA’s specially designed academic programme. Entry is by audition only but RCA is open to auditions at any time during the year. Learn more at www.russianchoreographicacademy.com.


See FullTimeDance.com, powered by Dance Informa, to learn more about the best full time courses in Australia, New Zealand and New York.