Train full time at Newcastle Ballet Theatre
Newcastle Ballet Theatre in Cardiff, NSW offers full-time, ballet-based dancers courses. The fully accredited courses include a Certificate II in Dance, a Certificate III in Dance, a Certificate III in Assistant Dance Teaching and a Certificate IV in Dance.
Newcastle Ballet Theatre (NBT) teaches the Australian Conservatoire of Ballet, based on the Russian Vaganova Method. Its Dancers Course is designed for the serious student and aims to increase, improve and refine technique, strength, knowledge and presentation.
In addition to private coaching, full time dancers will receive opportunities to perform. NBT presents classical ballet productions like Cinderella, Paquita or The Nutcracker annually.
Teachers include Kristy Tancred and Rider D. Vierling (both former principal dancers with Augusta Ballet, Charleston Ballet Theatre and Eugene Ballet/Ballet Idaho in America) and Meg Akerman, a founding member of The Australian Ballet.
Entry into NBT’s Dancers Course is by audition only. Dancers can schedule a private audition, attend a class or submit a DVD to audition.
For more information or to schedule an audition, contact NBT at 02 4956 9372 or Visit for further details.
See Dance Informa’s 2016 Full Time Dance & Auditions Guide to learn more about the best full time courses in Australia, New Zealand and New York.
Photo: NBT students Lewis Formby and Jasmine Bard. Photo courtesy of NBT.