The Space seeks to raise $60k for Skydeck

Melbourne dance studio and dance hall fundraiser

The Space Dance & Arts Centre in Melbourne is fundraising $60,000 to deck out its new dance studio, performance space and function room – The Skydeck. Last year, like many other urban creative facilities, The Space on Chapel Street in Prahran found out it was losing three of its dance studios to a property developer.


Directors Deb Cantoni and Ariel Bud, who founded The Space in January 2001, have facilitated the centre’s significant growth over the last 17 years. To move forward into the organisation’s next chapter, they ask for the dance community’s support as The Space attempts to complete this new rooftop expansion project.


To say thank you for helping, The Space is offering donors various rewards. For example, if you donate $15+, you receive a “Pass it on Pass and Pizza”, a friend or family member of yours can receive access to a dance class at The Space, you get a slice of pizza from New York Slice (Prahran), and your name will go in a time capsule under the sprung floor as a contributor.


At the next donor level of $60+, you receive one month of unlimited classes on the Adult Casual Class Timetable for any month in 2018. Plus, you get one month of coffee from Recovery Café (one coffee/day), a two-week Goodlife Gym Membership, and your name will go in the time capsule.


At a $100+ donation, you get to choose from participating in a 30-minute Moonwalk Workshop for you and 10 friends, or Studio Hire, valued at $150. Plus, you get a double pass to the Skydeck Grand Opening Party and again, your name will go in the time capsule.


Be sure to check out the rewards for donating $250+, $500+, $1000+, $1500+ or $1950+. Head to for all the details.


Cantoni shared, “For those who haven’t quite jumped on the 2018 dance wagon yet – you can pre-purchase your dancing for next year and save big while helping to make The Space even more awesome. There are unlimited dance memberships from the entire casual class timetable for a month ($60) or all of 2018 ($1950) – with an added bonus of December being free… But be quick cause we only have a certain amount to give away.”


“For those of you who love partner dancing you can get your entire year of Le Bop Modern Jive in 2018 sorted for just $500! Every Wednesday class (that’s $888 of classes) plus all the dance parties thrown in too,” Cantoni added.


Watch the video below for more information and please consider donating. Cantoni urges, “Remember, if we don’t hit our target then no one gets anything. It’s all or nothing.”