Nationally Recognised Accredited Training Creative Ageing through Dance to Address Skill Gap in an Ageing Population
Creative Ageing through Dance is an industry-led course developed by Ausdance VIC to train a new workforce to safely teach and facilitate dance and expressive movement activities to older people. Module One: An Introduction to Creative Ageing through Dance is delivered wholly online and is now open for enrollments for intake 1, commencing 15 March, at a low introductory cost.
This progressive learning program has been carefully developed over four years and brings together the latest research and evidence-based practice in the areas of health, community and dance to train dance and allied health professionals to confidently deliver safe and engaging dance and expressive movement programs and improve the lives of older Australians. The full program includes four modules and can be completed as accredited or non-accredited training.
“Move it or lose it! The message is clear. However, many people find it difficult to maintain enthusiasm for ongoing exercise. A growing body of research shows that dance can provide the motivation needed by blending creativity, social interaction, artistic goals and physical activity, with the bonus of very low attrition rates. But it’s serious business. People’s health and safety will be in the hands of their teachers. It’s important to ensure that Australia’s dance artists have the skills needed to work with our ageing population,” shares Katrina Rank, Director of Education and Lifelong Learning, Ausdance VIC.
The Creative Ageing through Dance program not only gives learners a theoretical understanding of how best to teach dance and expressive movement to older people, but offers the practical tools and experience needed to safely deliver dance activities in this specialised context.
Graduates of the Creative Ageing through Dance 4 Module learning pathway will be registered with Ausdance Victoria as a trained and qualified teacher of Creative Ageing (Dance).
The first intake for Module 1 is open now. Content will be available 15 Mar – 11 Apr 2022. The Module consists of 10 hours of online learning. Cost is $33 for Ausdance VIC members and $55 for non members.
Intakes for Modules 2-4 will follow over the next 6 months.
Visit https://ausdancevic.org.au/courses/creative-ageing/course-1/ for more course information and enrollment.