‘Men in Pink Tights’ to tour Australia
Direct from New York, Les Ballets Eloelle’s Victor Trevino, artistic director of the 2007 smash hit Men In Tutus, brings back to Australia his hilarious production Men in Pink Tights. From thrilling pirouettes by male dancers in drag to sidesplitting humor presented in specially-designed lavish costumes, Men in Pink Tights is a show designed for all audiences. It will tour throughout New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia soon.
Dubbed “freshly funny, sweet-tempered and inventive” by The New York Times, Men in Pink Tights will present the company’s signature work with the cast bringing their own brand of humor to the roles: Swan Lake Act II, Pas de Quatre, Minkus Gala and the George Balanchine creation Go For Barocco. The show will also feature duets from both classical and neo-classical origins, showcasing a combination of pyrotechnics and comedy, while adhering to the spirit of the originals. These include Spartacus, Grande Tarantelle, Romeo and Juliet, La Corsaire, Harlequinade and another signature work The Dying Swan.
For more information, visit www.meninpinktights.com.au