Expressions Dance Company is auditioning!
Expressions Dance Company (EDC) is now seeking expressions of interest from male and female dancers wishing to be considered for an audition for a professional position in the company. The company is seeking to fill one male and one female position from the start of 2018.
EDC, led by Artistic Director Natalie Weir, is an award-winning Queensland contemporary dance company with an ensemble of six to eight dancers. Previous Natalie Weir productions include Behind Closed Doors, When Time Stops, 7 Deadly Sins, Carmen Sweet, R&J and where the heart is. Weir’s signature choreographic style requires strong abilities in partner work and character interpretation.
The Courier-Mail once wrote, “Weir’s movement always generates excitement. There’s a visceral thrill of seeing bodies propelling through space, dancers launching themselves or being hurled in all directions. The intricacies of Weir’s lift transitions, executed seamlessly by her superb ensemble, are another Weir hallmark.”
EDC is seeking dancers with a solid understanding of contemporary and classical partner work and the relevant strength to meet the demands the company’s repertoire. Tertiary training or equivalent vocational training is a pre-requisite. EDC is looking for dancers with professional industry experience who have strong contemporary and classical technique as well as a range of creative skills including improvisation, task work, ability to explore characters, convey emotion and develop/sustain expressive movement qualities.
Applicants should have strong communication skills and the ability to work effectively in a team environment. EDC values flexibility in body and mind, the ability to apply various movement techniques, openness in collaborating and generosity. Preference will be given to Australian residents or those who can obtain a visa to live and work in Australia.
To submit your expression of interest, visit and complete the online form. For all enquiries, contact or call +61 7 3257 4222.
If your application is successful, you will be invited to attend the audition in Brisbane on Wednesday, September 27 at your own expense.
Photo: Expressions Dance Company. Photo by Chris Herzfeld.