11 Aussies chosen for 46th Prix de Lausanne
The Prix de Lausanne, an international ballet competition for young dancers, recently announced its 2018 selected candidates. The event, which will take place on January 28-February 4 in Lausanne, Switzerland, has accepted 78 competitors.
There were 380 candidates (297 girls and 83 boys) from 38 different countries who applied for video selection. 69 candidates were selected after this video selection and nine candidates were preselected from events like the 2017 Youth America Grand Prix in New York City, the 2017 International Ballet and Choreography Competition in Beijing and the official South American pre-selection in Montevideo. See the complete list of the 2018 selected candidates here.
The 11 candidates chosen to represent Australia are: Joel Burke of Queensland Ballet Academy; Audrey Freeman of the Tanya Pearson Classical Coaching Academy; Primrose Kern of Claudia Dean Coaching, ARDA; Phoebe Kilminster of Joanne Grace School Of Dance; Layla Kluss of Classical Coaching Australia; Matisse Lewis of The Jane Moore Academy of Ballet; Dominie Lythgoe of Classical Coaching Australia; Matthew Maxwell of Annette Roselli Dance Academy; Nichola Schapendonk of The Australian Conservatoire of Ballet; Kayla Van Den Bogert of Karen Ireland Dance Centre; and Saskia Vogt of The Conlan College.
Prix de Lausanne CEO and Artistic Director Shelly Power stated, “Prix de Lausanne is excited to welcome 78 candidates for the 46th edition, including eight younger students. The lowered age range allows for students to enter professional schools when turning 15 years old (instead of age 16), which is often the professional school entry age. Furthermore, we split the junior and senior awards, which we expect will further define potential and job readiness.”
Power added, “We must not forget the students not selected this year and remind them that competition is only a part of a dancer’s life and a career depends on the will to prevail in these moments of disappointment. For those that have been accepted, we congratulate them and look forward to sharing in the personal and professional growth experience. Prix de Lausanne’s 46th edition is filled with exceptional talents inspiring us all to reach for the stars.”
Tickets for the 2018 Prix de Lausanne will go on sale December 15 at prixdelausanne.org.
Photo: 2017 Prix de Lausanne Australian candidates Jessi Seymour (#107) and Joshua Jack Price (#210) warm-up on stage for Finals with other candidates. Photo by Gregory Batardon, courtesy of Prix de Lausanne.