Royal Caribbean holds more auditions

Saturday Night Fever onboard at Royal CaribbeanAfter holding auditions in March, Royal Caribbean Productions will return to Australia again in early October to seek exceptional dancers and singers in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. All performers age 18 and older that wish to perform on the open sea aboard one of Royal Caribbean’s 24 ships should audition.


The first audition is coming to Sydney on October 3, taking place at Bangarra Dance Theatre facilities in Walsh Bay. Dancers should report at 9 am and singers at 1:30 pm.


Officials arrive at Melbourne’s Dance Factory next – with auditions scheduled for October 5 at 9 am for singers and October 6 at 9 am for dancers.


Brisbane’s DLDC/Davidia Lind Dance Centre is next on October 8. Dancers should report at 9 am and singers at 1:30 pm.


Registrations will take place at the audition location. Candidates should bring their resume and photo. For further information and audition requirements, visit


Photo: Saturday Night Fever being performed on a Royal Caribbean vessel. Photo courtesy of Royal Caribbean Productions.